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News for 11-Jul-24

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How To Clone The Perfect Baby

 by: Gerald Armstrong

Sheep, Cows, pigs, mice, donkeys, mules, cats and a rare wild african wildcat.

What next then? You know what's coming next...The perfect baby.

To date all the human cloning claims have been a fraud because no DNA proof has been presented. However, the Korean's cloning experiments have opened the door wider on human cloning. President Bush can bang his head up against the wall all he wants. He can get down on his knees and pray to God for the world to outlaw cloning. He can pass all the laws he wants to ban human cloning, but there will always be people out there who will disagree with him and there will always be a little corner in the world that will allow full blown human cloning and the creation of the perfect baby. Our motto is "Have Microscope Will Travel!"

We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean's new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievement.

Most research scientists will deny that they would consider cloning a baby. Only because it's not popular, but most cloning scientists would love to be the first to clone a healthy baby if it weren't for the controversy.. Well, for the record, I, Gerald Armstrong the owner Of Gen Cells Cures, a biotech company, think it's a fantastic idea! (My biotech does private medical research for wealthy people who are looking for a cures for incurable diseases.) What's the difference if a baby is created from a sperm cell and and a human egg cell or a human cell and a human egg cell. A baby is a baby. Would God not love this baby too? I can't wait to have my son. When I was a young man I didn't want children. I had a vasectomy, Now I regret it. I will have my son… the technologies are now in my very own hands.

But I am not a renegade scientist I will not create my son until we have perfected the science to avoid birth defects. I also hate human life expectancy …what's 120 years if you are very very lucky. Just the blink of an eye. I will rework my son's telemeres to extend his life. What's holding me back? The funding needed for the research.There are no technological barriers to prevent us from accomplishing this goal. Only countless hours of hard work. Do you think we might be able to change President Bush's opinion. Yes, Mr. President just go ahead and make the check out for 100 million dollars to Gen Cells Cures. For now, if you want to cure an incurable disease or clone your lost pet we can handle the job, but the perfect baby will have to wait. But it's only a matter of time, research and money.

Article by Gerald Armstrong-

Gerald is the owner of Gen Cells Cures

Visit his group for information on cures for incurable diseases and aging.

Group address

You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Or you may contact me and re-write the story. Tel:809-496-0385 or 809-581-8648

About The Author

Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Gerald Armstrong the owner of Gen Cells Cures a biotech dedicated to curing incurable diseases and aging. Beating and defeating incurable disease.We are focused on stem cell research, somatic nuclear transfer, and genomics. Introducing to the world, the miracle of private, personalized medical research for the individual. In other words if you are suffering from a certain form of cancer, for example, we tackle your problem from every scientific angle until we find your cure, be it cancer or one of the many other incurable diseases. We provide individual, private, personalized medical research for you.

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